Post-surgical and post-stroke rehabilitation

Post-surgical and post-stroke rehabilitation

Specialized Treatment approaches in coordination with the referring physician are progressed week to week following joint replacement and surgical repair of fractures. Home Care Physical Therapy will often start with a Rehab team from an agency and once discharged, the patient may continue therapy at home. We stay current on the latest techniques for rehabilitation of Total Hip Replacement, Hip Hemi-Arthroplasty, Total Knee Replacement, Total Shoulder and Reverse Shoulder Replacement. Neurological Physical Therapy treatment for stroke care specializes in return of arm and leg function and the isolation of joint motion to help return to independence with transfers and walking.

Whether you are 50 years old or 70 years old, acute, chronic or post-traumatic pain can limit your activities for daily living. Physical Therapy is the tool for making your body and whole health improve and get back on track!